As Episcopalians, we believe...
Core to our Beliefs:
What does St. Aidan's Parish Believe?
At Saint Aidan's...
We believe in a God who is love ("for God so loved the world").
We believe in Christ who became fully incarnate to live and die as one of us, so to reconcile us unto God, so that we can each have a personal relationship with us.
We believe in the Holy Spirit , who calls us to act on the Love of God, Neighbor, and self.
And because we believe this to be true, we belive we can meet God where we are at in life, and that our faith can also be one of joy.
We have a God who loves us, meets us where we are at, and has a sense of humor.
We take our faith seriously at Saint Aidan's, we just don't take ourselves too seriously.
Top 10 Reasons to be an Episcopalian
(According to the late comedian Robin William’s, who once listed these top 10 reasons to be an Episcopalian)
10. No snake handling.
9. You can believe in dinosaurs.
8. Male and female God created them; male and female we ordain them.
7. You don’t have to check your brains at the door.
6. Pew aerobics.
5. Church year is color-coded.
4. Free wine on Sunday.
3. All of the pageantry – none of the guilt.
2. You don’t have to know how to swim to get baptized.
And the Number One reason to be an Episcopalian:
1. No matter what you believe, there’s bound to be at least one other Episcopalian who agrees with you.
I’m New to St. Aidan's...
First, Welcome! Thank you for visiting us! We know visiting for the first time can be daunting, and worship in the Episcopal Church can be unfamiliar to some. It takes some courage to attend that first time. Know we are grateful for your presence, whether you are passing through town on vacation, visiting family, or looking for a spiritual home. We trust God will draw near to you as you draw near to God.
Read below for some common Q&As on attending our Parish for the first time:
We have a parking lot attached to our building. It is off of Edinburgh Drive. If we have overflow parking, you can park on the grass (and at an angle if possible).
When you come into Church, an Usher will greet you! They will give you a bulletin and help you if you have any questions.
Please note that if you have any special needs, please let our Ushers know.
Examples: If you have a severe allergy, are not physically able to come up to the altar to receive Communion, or if you have difficulty hearing and need our Priest to wear a particular mic for you, this is the time to let us know.
We want our Parish to continue to welcome all! This means there will be children in the pews and other members with special needs who make noise.
Anywhere, honestly, you can sit anywhere!
There is no assigned seating! (But if you sit in the clergy seats at the altar, you might be called upon to preach, just kidding.)
If you are unfamiliar with the Episcopal Service and don’t know when to stand or sit, our clergy actively informs people what pages we are on and when they can stand or sit as they feel called. We don’t want the service to feel like “Pew aerobics with some book juggling throw in.” Just tell an Usher you are new to the tradition, and they will help you.
During the Summer
We have one service at 9:30 a.m. It is very informal, so come as you are.
During the School Year/September-May
We offer two services at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., with Christian Formation Hour from 9:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.
The 8:15 a.m. service is a meditative service without music, Rite II (using contemporary language, no “thees and thous”).
At the 10:30 a.m. service, we feature our choir, organ, piano/electric keyboard, acolyte, and two chalices. Our handbell choir performs monthly and occasionally has guest musicians perform.
Every 5th Sunday of the month, we have one joint service at 9:30 a.m., followed by a potluck (themed).
What does Communion look like at St. Aidan’s, and who is welcome?
All are welcome to receive! (See Below)
What does Communion look like? (See Below)
There is Nursery Care avaliable EVERY SUNDAY for children 3 years old or younger from 9 a.m. to noon.
Our Nursery Workers, are trained and certified in: Safe Church Practices, CPR for adults, children, and infants, as well as able to use our Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and Epipens.
Just because we offer Nursery Care, does not mean that you can’t keep your child/children with you in the service.
ALL ARE WELCOME in the Church!
We promise you that your child’s cries bother you more than anyone present.
(Even our Rector’s child can occasionally cry during service.) Just know that someone in the pews might help you so you have some space to breathe and worship. Again this is up to you and your partner/family.
We also offer seasonal children’s bags with activities that are age-appropriate to do during service.
During our Christian Formation Hour (9:30–10:20 a.m.), we offer programs ranging from Godly Play to Holy Moly for ages 4+.
We also welcome families with Special Needs Children and Adults. If we need to know anything to ensure you and your loved one are welcomed and comfortable, please email the Rector ahead of time, or speak to an Usher at the beginning of a service.
If that is what you want! If not you can recieve a blessing, if desired.
We offer Holy Communion at most services.
All who come in faith are welcome to receive the Consecrated Bread and Wine.
What does Communion look like at St. Aidan’s, and who is welcome?
Please note that since Covid, our practices have changed slightly.
For ALL SERVICES: You are invited to stand or kneel at the altar, however you wish to meet Christ at the Altar.
For Weddings, Funerals, and at our 8:15 a.m. service
The Priest/Clergy will come to the rail and intinct the wafer into the wine for you. (Yes, it is wine).
If you have a gluten allergy, please hold your hands together, palms touching.
If you would like to receive the bread alone, please put out one hand.
At most of our Services (this includes our Joint One 9:30 a.m. Service in the Summer, and on a 5th Sunday, as well as at our regular 10:30 a.m. services:
If you come and extend both hands with your palms up, the clergy will come to the rail and intinct the wafer into the wine for you. (Yes, it is wine).
If you have a gluten allergy, please hold your hands together, palms touching.
Please put out one hand if you want to receive the bread alone or drink from the chalice. Then, a chalicer will come by with a cup of wine that you can drink.
If you do not want to receive Communion (bread or wine), you can still come up to the altar and cross your arms over your chest, and you will receive a blessing from one of our clergy.
CONFUSED? Don't worry, just ask an Usher, or wispher what you wish to the clergy and we will try to help.
Or if you are on ZOOM, watching the recorded service, or don’t wish to come up, you are invited to pray quietly where you are at: “Jesus, we believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. We love you above all things, and long for you in our souls. Come spiritually into our hearts. Cleanse and strengthen us with your grace, Lord Jesus, and let us never be separated from you. May we live in you, and you in us, in this life and in the life to come. Amen.”
At St. Aidan’s, we are a social parish. This means:
During the Peace, you are invited to shake the hands of those near you.
When you are done, sit down.
After the Peace, our Parish sings the song of Saint Aidan (lyrics in the bulletin) to encourage people to return to their pews.
During the Peace, don’t be surprised if people get out of their pews and come across the aisle to say “Hi!”
Following the Peace we have a period of time set aside for Announcements:
Our Clergy will make most of the announcements.
During this time you can stretch at this time if needed.
You can also, bring your child/children back into the church from nursery. Or wait until the dismissal to get the little one(s).
These announcements can be found on in your bulletins as an insert as well as in the back of the church with a calendar of all up-coming events.
Also, please note that during Announcements our clergy will note those on Zoom and sing “Happy Birthday” to those celebrating a birthday that week.
During the School Year, 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m., we offer Christian Formation for all ages.